Why Use a Managed Service Provider and Vendor Management System?

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Why Use a Managed Service Provider and Vendor Management System?

June 1 2022

Many companies struggle with identifying how much they spend on external labor, let alone have the resources or expertise to effectively manage it. Since companies commonly have many locations and utilize several types of external labor, the cost for these resources balloons over time.

In our new solution brief, “Why Use a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Vendor Management System (VMS)?” you’ll learn about the benefits of utilizing an integrated MSP/VMS to manage your organization’s contingent workforce. Typical positive outcomes include:

  • Significant Cost Savings
  • Improved Cycle Times
  • Mitigated Risk
  • And Much More …

Check out the solution brief and see how partnering with an MSP and VMS can help you consolidate and manage all aspects associated with external labor.

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