Contingent Direct Sourcing Solutions: Driving Cost Savings by Leveraging Employer Brand

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Contingent Direct Sourcing Solutions: Driving Cost Savings by Leveraging Employer Brand

July 2 2022

In the new era of integrated workforce management and heightened competition for key talent, leading organizations are increasingly leveraging employer branding to help expand their talent pools and optimize their contingent direct sourcing solutions. But as a relatively new approach, doing so may give rise to questions or concerns.

Our soution brief, “Contingent Direct Sourcing: Driving Cost Savings by Leveraging Employer Brand” covers some of the most common concerns with using employer brand to build up contingent talent pools, as well as how to address these questions and realize the benefits of a well-run contingent direct sourcing program. Topics include:

  • Using contingent direct sourcing as part of a multichannel approach
  • Evaluating when and where to use employer branding to build talent pools
  • Working with third parties to best leverage branding for direct sourcing
  • Optimizing brand messaging for permanent and contingent engagements

Download the soution brief to find out how leveraging employer brands is an integral part of a winning direct sourcing approach, enabling organizations to expand their private talent pools, improve agility and increase cost savings!

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