The Details of Employing Contractors in the Netherlands

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The Details of Employing Contractors in the Netherlands

May 2 2022

Utilizing contractors to fill gaps in your organization requires that attention be paid to employment laws and regulations that vary, and are unique, from country to country.

In the Netherlands, there are a number of things to consider for staying compliant. From the Dutch Civil Code that addresses the intricacies of work contracts to the suspended enforcement of the Assessment of Employment Relationships (Deregulation) Act (DBA) that attempts to clarify freelancer status, the state of employment in the Netherlands is constantly evolving. In this changing environment, it is more important than ever that your organization remains compliant.

Key characteristics of workers are used for determining their status include:

  • Whether the worker chooses their clients and how the work is done
  • Seeking out new clients
  • Buying equipment, investing on marketing the business
  • Liability for damages
  • Profit seeking
  • Number of clients

As you take the next step towards engaging contractors in the Netherlands, make sure you have all the knowledge you need to find success. Download the solution brief today!

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